58. I don't like her

Published: Feb. 24, 2023, 5 p.m.

Join me today as I share with you an invitation to examine your dislike. Have you ever not liked someone? I know I have, and I am guessing the majority of us at some point in our life have come across someone that they don t like. Someone that they wish did things differently. Behaved differently. We find ourselves ruminating on what they do and how they do it. This spinning feels awful but necessary, justified. I want to share with you another way and don t worry I am not even going to try to change your mind, unless you want to. My hope is that we are creating a community by way of this podcast. I wish I could get this work into the hands of every woman I know. Maybe you could help me. Who do you want to do this life with? Maybe you click the 3 dots, copy the link and send this to them.