The Threatpost Podcast: It's Time to Throw Out Insecure IoT Devices

Published: June 18, 2019, 6:23 p.m.

What can be done with 2 million connected security cameras, baby monitors and more that are vulnerable to serious flaws - but don't have a patch?

Security researcher Paul Marrapese, whodisclosed the flaws in April and has yet to hear back from any impacted vendors, recommends that consumers throw them in the trash.

"I 100 percent suggest that people throw them out," he told Threatpost in a podcast interview. "I really, I don't think that there's going to be any patch for this. The issues are very, very hard to fix, in part because, once a device is shipped with a serial number, you can't really change that, you can't really patch that, it's a physical issue."