Tao of Sports Ep. 295 - Chris Syme (Principle, CKSyme Media Group)

Published: Feb. 10, 2014, 5:03 a.m.

b"Chris Syme specializes in social media for athletic departments. Social media is The Wild West in sports, however, a lot of athletic directors don't fully grasp what to do with it, and hire Syme to help navigate a direction that works for the overall university brand. Syme talks about some of the challenges that come with building a social media brand, what differing platforms to follow, and what works for individuals as well as department-wide initatives. Syme also discusses the challenges facing sports information colleagues, as well as the importance of COSIDA joining NACDA, as well as some of the issues that have been raised regarding SID health and whether or not SIDs are shut out of attending COSIDA now that it has merged with the other conferences such as NACDA and NACMA. Twitter: @CKSyme"