Tao of Sports Ep. 290 Aileen McManamon (Senior Partner, 5T Sports Group)

Published: Jan. 29, 2014, 8 a.m.

b'Partnership development in sports is one of the key ways of ensuring corporate sponsorship growth. Aileen McManamon works as a conduit between the sports organization and corporate partner, trying to ensure that brand development fosters an ROI for any major business affiliation with a team or sports event. McManamon talks about some of the factors that go into creating good activation, as well as some of the larger scale VIP experiences, such as the 2006 Torino Winter Olympics. McManamon discusses her time as President and COO of the Vancouver Canadians minor league baseball franchise, as well as the Director of Marketing for FIAT, overseeing affiliations with Tour de France, German Hockey League and European Motorsports. Twitter: @Ms_Sportsbiz'