Ep37 - Developing the American Coyote Podcast Featuring Alvin Cowan

Published: Feb. 22, 2021, 9:45 a.m.

b'Host: Geoffrey D. Calhoun
Guest: Alvin Cowan, Creator of the American Coyote Podcast

Episode Overview

In this episode, Geoffrey D. Calhoun interviews Alvin Cowan about the development of the \'American Coyote\' podcast. They discuss the creative process behind the podcast, focusing on its themes, narrative structure, and production challenges.Key Discussion Points

  1. Conceptualizing the Podcast - The inspiration and idea behind \'American Coyote\'.
  2. Narrative and Production Techniques - Strategies used in structuring and producing the podcast.
  3. Challenges in Podcast Creation - Addressing the hurdles faced during the development process.

The episode concludes with insights on the future of podcasting and storytelling in this format.

For more insights into storytelling and creative processes, visit www.thesuccessfulscreenwriter.com.

American Coyote is available wherever podcasts are played.

You can follow Alvin Cowan on Instagram @aecowan10'