Ep20 - Leveraging the ISA for Screenwriting Success with Craig James and Molly Kasch

Published: Nov. 16, 2020, 4:16 p.m.


  • Host: Geoffrey D. Calhoun
  • Guest: Craig James (Founder) and Molly Kasch (Director of Operations, ISA)Episode


In this episode, host Geoffrey D. Calhoun interviews Craig James and Molly Kasch from the International Screenwriters Association (ISA). They discuss how screenwriters can effectively utilize the ISA platform to enhance their careers. Topics include networking, gaining exposure for screenplays, and accessing exclusive pitching opportunities. This episode is invaluable for screenwriters looking to expand their professional network and opportunities in the industry.

Key Discussion Points
  1. Maximizing ISA Benefits - Insights into how screenwriters can leverage the ISA\'s resources for career advancement.
  2. Networking for Screenwriters - Discussing the importance of building connections and how ISA facilitates this.
  3. Gaining Exposure for Your Screenplays - Strategies for using ISA to increase visibility for screenwriters\' works.
  4. Exclusive Pitching Opportunities with ISA - Exploring new and upcoming opportunities for screenwriters within the ISA platform.

The conversation concludes with key advice for screenwriters on the importance of networking and visibility, emphasizing how ISA can be a pivotal tool in their screenwriting journey.

For more screenwriting resources and insights, visit www.thesuccessfulscreenwriter.com. Check out the ISA at www.networkisa.org for additional support and opportunities in screenwriting.'