The Market Does Not Care... Franks Right!

Published: Jan. 9, 2023, 5 p.m.

b'I\\u2019ve had an encounter with the mafia! Well, not really but I think my guest this episode is about as close as I\\u2019ll get given his, amazing, accent. Believe it or not, the previous statement actually pertains to an underlying theme of my discussion with fellow community member Frank. The mafia does not care your reasoning for anything if you are not behaving as you should within their system of business. The same is true for the markets. The markets do not care about anything. If you are not behaving in a way that is logical and disciplined, they will make you pay the price in a big way. Frank\\u2019s journey has been filled with many learnable moments, but at the core, the one fact he has learned is while the markets don\\u2019t care about your sex, skin color or anything else, they also don\\u2019t care if you have a wife and family or a cute little dog. The markets are indifferent and will destroy you all the same. I loved Frank and his attitude (did I mention his accent?) and how he continues to go about this crazy journey we call trading. Let\\u2019s get to it!'