The Greedy Goblin but in a Good Way! | STR 106

Published: March 27, 2017, 5 p.m.

b'I learned a new phrase in this interview, greedy goblin. Yes, without question that sounds pretty rough, but as you hear our guest from the community, Caemeron, explain, it is actually a characteristic that all of us as traders should have. Having a passion and enjoying the challenge of seeing numbers add up, like a game, is an attribute that can be very beneficial. There is certainly some gray area in this regard, but with the right approach and mental mindset, the waters can be navigated in a profitable way. Notes: Cameron\\u2019s introduction to the market was from his teenage years where he would read about the big moves that biotech companies were making. He knew that if he could acquire the knowledge to trade those, he could significantly increase his earnings. At 18 years old, he moved out of his parents house and moved into a pretty run down trailer in the woods. Cameron worked at a gas station to help pay for the rest of nursing school. When he finished school, he was able to get a job at a hospital and stayed in the low cost trailer to save money. After a discussion with his father, he realized that his idea of putting all his money in dividend paying stocks would not make the gains he desired. While working in the nursing field, he noticed very quickly he did not enjoy it so he decided to leverage his old contacts to find a different profession. When he did open his trading account, he put his money into household names that he was familiar with. His thesis was invest 80% and swing trade the other 20%. He had no knowledge of chart usage at this time. After losing quite a bit of money trying to trade penny stocks, Cameron invested in his education and took RvR Trading because he recognized that if he could control the downside, the upside would take care of the rest. Cameron is now paper trading with his new found knowledge and recognizes that practice makes perfect. Quotes: \\u201cMy friends call me a goblin because I love making money. I think it\\u2019s really fun and very challenging.\\u201d \\u201cI\\u2019d love to have enough money in the dividend paying stocks where it\\u2019s like I\\u2019m getting paid to hold these stocks.\\u201d \\u201cI opened up an account and got 3 free trades. My dad told me to stick to things I know. I bought AT&T and MSFT since I used them.\\u201d \\u201cI\\u2019m collecting aluminum cans, working at the gas station, mowing lawns, I\\u2019m doing everything I can to get money.\\u201d \\u201cHe told me, if you can get through those guys, you can get through the FDA. That was a horrible investment thesis.\\u201d Links: Course: Risk vs Reward Trading Video: How and Where I Learned To Trade'