STR 241: A Trader Focused on “, YET”

Published: Oct. 28, 2019, 4 p.m.

A positive attitude can take you far in life (and trading) and that’s what we really get to see here. My guest, Homer (fellow member from the community who goes by alias “homercon”) opens up about his journey so far and holds nothing back. I really appreciated how he just told the truths of all the ups and downs he has been through. He’s not a profitable trader… but this is what separates him from many in society who seem to take such a negative out look on things. In his mind, he adds in a single word that changes the landscape. In Homer’s mind, he’s not a profitable trader, YET. The addition of that extra word shines through in Homer’s attitude and perspective and its something that was a breath of fresh air and motivating to me. Let’s get to it!