STR 236: Hustling and Grinding to Make It Happen

Published: Sept. 23, 2019, 4 p.m.

I’m pretty sure this week’s guest is a long lost brother. When it comes to hustling and finding ways to make money in order to obtain a larger scale goal, Leon (better known as “Blew” in the community) is a monster. Those who enjoy making excuses for everything in life won’t enjoy Leon and his story, but if you are looking for some motivation and inspiration as you continue to grind in your goals, you’re going to love him. Leon works a full time job, so like many of you, his big goal is to best fit trading into his personal work schedule. If you are someone who wants to trade but also have a full time job, Leon has several insights and strategies that you can potentially use in your situation. He’s a man who doesn’t offer up excuses, but simply grinds things out, and this is what it’s all about. Let’s get to it!