Im a Dead Man Walking?

Published: Oct. 30, 2023, 4 p.m.

b'I\\u2019ve started to get more aggressive in my current trading with SPX options and it\\u2019s happened\\u2026I\\u2019ve been told I\\u2019m a dead man walking! I\\u2019m told it\\u2019s only a matter of time before the market owns me! Here\\u2019s the thing though, this person was right and I \\u201cgot owned\\u201d in a single losing trade that erased, literally, nine days worth of gains! Yet, I\\u2019m still nicely green on the month! Huh??? This opens up a great discussion on how trading strategies can work and how you can wisely go about developing a strategy to suit your needs. I\\u2019m not the greatest trader on the planet; however, I have been trading for almost two decades so I\\u2019m done enough dumb things that I now know to avoid. Let me walk you through this accusation of being a dead man walking and how it\\u2019s accurate to an extent, but overall, not really.'