Are You One of These Types of Traders?

Published: Dec. 11, 2023, 5 p.m.

b'The market has a very sick sense of humor. If you\\u2019ve been around long enough, you know exactly what I mean by this! For the unsuspecting victims, they are treated as little puppets until the market decides to crush them. I know I\\u2019ve been there! The market has played me like a fiddle on more than one occasion. The difficult part with all of this is to most traders, they have no idea until it\\u2019s too late. That\\u2019s why this episode is so important! When you can become more self aware, you begin to put yourself in way better positions and are better prepared to recognize the market\\u2019s mind games. I interacted with someone recently who demonstrates exactly what i mean. I can understand why the person thinks what they do, but this is the type of trader you don\\u2019t\\u2019 want to be! Let\\u2019s talk about it!'