Ep. 160 - Security Awareness Series - Go To The Source So There's No Remorse with Adam Levin

Published: Dec. 20, 2021, 7 a.m.


This month, Chris Hadnagy and Ryan MacDougall are joined by Adam Levin.\\xa0\\xa0Adam\\xa0is a nationally recognized expert on cybersecurity, privacy, identity theft, fraud, and personal finance and has distinguished himself as a fierce consumer advocate for the past 50 years. Adam is the former Director of the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, and currently is the founder of\\xa0CyberScout\\xa0and co-founder of Credit.com. He is also author of the critically acclaimed book\\xa0Swiped: How to Protect Yourself in a World Full of Scammers, Phishers, and Identity Thieves.\\xa0Adam is also the host of the podcast\\xa0What the Hack with Adam Levin,\\xa0where\\xa0they talk to fascinating people about the most terrifying things that ever happened to them in cyberspace. December 20, 2021

00:00 \\u2013 Intro\\xa0

03:26\\xa0- Adam Levin Intro\\xa0

04:37\\xa0\\u2013 How did you get started in the industry?\\xa0

07:42\\xa0\\u2013 What has the shift been like in the types of attacks from the 90s until now?\\xa0

09:53\\xa0\\u2013 How does the recent Robinhood breach tie into what we\\u2019re discussing?\\xa0

12:00\\xa0\\u2013 What should people be focusing on when they hear stories like this?\\xa0

14:28\\xa0\\u2013 Do these simplistic\\xa0solutions\\xa0really work?\\xa0

18:45\\xa0\\u2013 What type of advice would you give to companies that have public facing employees?\\xa0

20:22\\xa0\\u2013 You said something interesting earlier, \\u201cthe company has to deal with it empathetically\\u201d.\\xa0 What does that mean to you?\\xa0

24:51\\xa0\\u2013 Empathy, continued\\xa0

30:22\\xa0\\u2013 What do you see coming\\xa0in the near future, what types of scams will become popular?\\xa0

33:53\\xa0\\u2013 What are some things people can look out for\\xa0to avoid scams?\\xa0

38:20\\xa0\\u2013\\xa0Do you find that catastrophe and the\\xa0emotional factor\\xa0is used to get people to fall for scams?\\xa0

41:39\\xa0\\u2013 Finding Adam on the web:\\xa0

42:57\\xa0\\u2013\\xa0What are some action steps\\xa0corporations\\xa0can take\\xa0to protect themselves?\\xa0

45:13\\xa0\\u2013 Who is your greatest mentor?\\xa0

  • Virginia Long, director of Consumer Affairs\\xa0
  • Ian Cohen\\xa0\\u2013 CEO of Lokker,\\xa0a\\xa0privacy company\\xa0
  • Bill Tait\\xa0\\u2013 Vice Chairman at Humana\\xa0

47:40 \\u2013 Book Recommendations\\xa0

  • Condor\\xa0\\u2013 TV Show\\xa0
  • Spy novels (none\\xa0specifically\\xa0suggested) authors: Tom Clancy, Brad Thor, Vince Flynn\\xa0
  • Yellowstone\\xa0\\u2013 TV Show series\\xa0
  • FBI series and all spinoffs\\xa0

49:16 \\u2013 Outro\\xa0
