Ep. 091 - Picture This: Framing in (Virtual) Reality

Published: March 12, 2017, 5:47 p.m.


whitneyrowlettA\\xa0microbiologist turned producer, Whitney has produced commercials, pilots, feature films, and internet series for major corporations including SyFy, Verizon, The Travel Channel, Comedy Central, Machinima, and CBS. She was a member of the Academy Award winning\\xa0art team on The Amazing Race, \\xa0and wore several hats during production for The Lizzie Bennet Diaries and Emma Approved, both recipients of an Emmy for Original Interactive Programming. Whitney produced Virtual Reality experiences for Kellogg\\u2019s, General Electric, Nokia, Jaunt Media, \\xa0and Google Spotlight Stories. Her passions also include choreographing Renaissance and Regency Era dance, yoga, and creating stunning visual content.

This podcast we have the chance to discuss:

  • How does framing work in film?
  • Does VR change the way framing works?
  • What aspects do you need to consider to frame your target\'s emotions properly?
  • And much much more


Follow Whitney at her site:\\xa0www.countstonine.com

Whitney also recommends this book: \\xa0The Alchemist\\xa0by Paulo Coelho

