395 - The P Word

Published: July 27, 2023, 9:56 p.m.

b"In this episode, the guys discuss how reaching your potential will create an atmosphere where the best version of yourself can thrive.\\n\\n\\nTurnaround Takeaways\\n\\n\\u201cIt\\u2019s hard to fit in when setting the tone.\\u201d Don't apologize for being a leader. Own it and work it!\\n\\nEmbrace your strengths.\\xa0\\n\\nYou can control what you believe. Don\\u2019t feed your mind anything that will negatively affect your thoughts. Let your actions be in alignment with your goals.\\xa0\\n\\nStay present and in the moment.\\xa0\\n\\nDon\\u2019t feel awkward or inferior about the strengths you have. Trust what God has blessed you with.\\xa0\\n\\nDon\\u2019t wait to become creative! Let your blessings shine on the world.\\n\\n\\nQuestions\\n\\n1) Are you resting in your potential instead actively working to improve the skillsets you have?\\n\\n2) Are you limiting yourself with your mindset?\\n\\n\\nTo check out exclusives and more behind the scenes interactions, head over to\\xa0Patreon.com/S2Spodcast120\\xa0to become a Secret To Success Patreon!\\n\\nTo learn more about Grounds Crew coaching, head over to TheGCguide.com for more information. \\n\\nListener Perks\\n\\n\\nOrganifi Is giving our listeners up to 20% off of their order! Just go to www.organifi.com/success. Support your journey from sunrise to sunset with fan-favorite superfoods backed by science to replenish micronutrients, support energy and balance hormones from am to pm with our customer favorites.\\n\\n\\nIndeed Indeed makes it easy to hire great talent. According to ComScore, Indeed is the #1 job site worldwide. \\u2022 Start hiring RIGHT NOW with a SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLAR SPONSORED JOB CREDIT to upgrade your first job post at Indeed.com/SUCCESS . Go to Indeed.com/SUCCESS to claim your SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLAR CREDIT NOW."