382 - The Gift Card

Published: April 27, 2023, 10:01 p.m.

b'In this episode, the guys discuss overcoming fear of the known with belief actions.\\n\\n\\n\\nFair Or Foul\\n\\nWould you pay with a gift card on the first date?\\n\\n\\n\\nYou Owe You Summit Information\\xa0\\n\\n\\nHow to make yourself a priority.\\xa0\\n\\nCreating a successful schedule.\\xa0\\n\\nGaining financial empowerment.\\xa0\\xa0\\n\\nHow to navigate with a lack of resources.\\xa0\\n\\n\\nHead over to YouOweYouSummit.com to secure your spot!\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nQuestions\\n\\n\\n1) After listening to this episode, what are you going to do differently? What risk are you going to take from this day moving forward?\\n\\n\\n2) What\\u2019s stopping you from taking risk?\\n\\n\\n3) Do you fear leaving what your current situation?\\n\\n\\n4) Who are you crying out to? The Devil or God?\\n\\n\\n\\nTakeaways\\n\\n\\nStart to walk courageously in uncomfortable settings.\\xa0\\n\\n\\nExplore beyond what you\\u2019ve been previously taught.\\xa0\\n\\n\\nStart to visualize your dreams and goals with an addition and subtraction mindset. Add what\\u2019s necessary and subtract what\\u2019s not working in your life.\\xa0\\xa0\\n\\n\\nListener Perks\\n\\n\\nOrganifi Is giving our listeners up to 20% off of their order! Just go to www.organifi.com/success. Support your journey from sunrise to sunset with fan-favorite superfoods backed by science to replenish micronutrients, support energy and balance hormones from am to pm with our customer favorites.'