322 - Undesirable

Published: March 3, 2022, 10:46 p.m.

b"In this episode, the guys alongside Jemal \\u201cThe 9 To 5 King Millionaire\\u201d, discuss the dangers of listening to opinions from people who offer no value to you or where you\\u2019re desiring to be for the future.\\n\\nIntro - The guys talk about childhood and current celebrity admirations. Which celebrity would leave you shell shocked if you were to meet them?\\n\\n26:06 - Do the people you interact with have enough value to keep in contact with them? Evaluate how you feel when you converse or are around certain people. That will dictate how you should move forward.\\xa0\\n\\n33:12 - \\u201cDon\\u2019t put too much stock into peoples opinion. It can cause you to be stagnant and have constant worry about how someone views you personally.\\u201d - ET\\n\\n38:13 - Do you value the opinions and values from the people around you?\\xa0\\n\\n42:15 - \\u201cEverybody has an opinion but that doesn\\u2019t mean it\\u2019s law or factual. When you come up with a plan for your own life, nobody else sees that plan and vision. If you don\\u2019t now ego you are, you\\u2019ll find yourself trying to find your keel in their opinions.\\u201d - Jemal\\xa0\\n\\n49:09 - Do you value conformation over correction?\\xa0\\xa0- CJ\\nListener Perks\\n\\n\\nOrganifi - ORGANIFI is giving our listeners up to 20% off of their order! Just go to\\xa0www.organifi.com/success. Support your journey from sunrise to sunset with fan-favorite superfoods backed by science to replenish micronutrients, support energy and balance hormones from am to pm with our customer favorites.\\n\\n\\nMASTERWORKS is the premium stock market for exclusive art across the world. If you're looking for alternative assets to gain wealth in a high inflation environment, look no further. Head over to Masterworks.art/success to have priority access to offerings before anyone else has a chance to obtain. Take advantage of this great opportunity with the demand being very high."