Your International Economic Plan

Published: Sept. 29, 2014, 1 a.m.

The world's economy is going ever more global. \xa0Is yours?\nIn this episode we visit with two very interesting guests - the original international man, Doug Casey; \xa0and Jon Green, a purveyor of real estate which adds citizenship to the list of amenities!\nGovernments, corporations and the wealthy have been investing globally for decades. \xa0\nEven Mom & Pop investors practice international diversification through foreign stocks, bonds and currencies.\nThe great news for real estate investors is there are great properties and markets located outside your primary area and country. And\xa0there are lots of reasons to consider developing\xa0an international economic plan.\xa0\nThe Real Estate Guys\u2122 radio show provides real estate investing news, education, training and resources to help real estate investors succeed. \xa0Learn more and subscribe to the free newsletter! Visit