The Federal Reserve Bank is arguably the most powerful non-governmental institution on the planet.\xa0 It controls the money supply of the world\u2019s largest economy, has a profound impact on interest rates and inflation (both of which directly affect real estate investors!), and has tremendous authority over all banking in the United States.\xa0 And if all that wasn\u2019t power enough, because the U.S. dollar serves as the reserve currency of the world, the Fed and its policies also profundly affect global trade.\xa0 It's no wonder then, as the 2012 elections approach, with so much emphasis on the economy, that the topic of the Federal Reserve has made its way into the mainstream of the presidential debates.\xa0 Ron Paul wants to end it.\xa0 Rick Perry says its acts are treasonous.\xa0 Herman Cain was a Chairman of the Kansas City Fed.\xa0 Yet, many people really don\u2019t know who the Fed is, what it does, how it works, or who it\u2019s accountable to.\xa0 One thing is for sure: The Fed is controversial.\xa0 Fortunately, we aren't afraid of a little controversy. It makes life interesting!\xa0 So, we decided it would be fun to stir the pot a little bit by tracking down the author of one of the most iconic, well-researched and controversial books we know of on the topic of the Fed.\xa0 Whether you love it, hate it, or it's an enigma to you, if you\u2019re a serious real estate investor, you need to understand the Fed.\xa0 Listen in as we talk to documentary filmmaker, author and activist, G. Edward Griffin about his controversial research and perspectives on the Fed.\xa0 Then, continue your education by visiting the Recommended Reading area of our website for additional books and other opinions about this powerful and controversial institution. The Real Estate Guys\u2122 radio show provides real estate investing news, education, training and resources to help real estate investors succeed.\xa0 To learn more and subscribe to the free newsletter, visit