There is Pain In The Promise

Published: Dec. 11, 2023, 7 p.m.


\\nDoes God promise pain? Pain and suffering are an unavoidable part of our lives. God is not the source of evil, but he does allow us to experience suffering.\\xa0God doesn\'t remove us from pain and suffering, but ultimately, the Bible promises that God has and will finally defeat evil.\\n


\\n\\nWhat does it mean to give your pain to God? You surrender to Him, and He has authority and control in your life. In other words,\\xa0you do God\'s Word even when you don\'t feel like doing it because you believe He knows best. Likewise, pain and suffering are ways God sets the stage for making His supernatural work come to pass in your life.\\n\\n\\nWhat does it mean for God to promise? Promises are\\xa0unconditional on God\'s part. He keeps His word. But promises are conditional on our part. We have to trust and obey. For example, Ephesians 6:2 tells us that the command to \\u201cHonor your father and mother\\u201d was the first command with promise.\\n\\n\\nCan pain be a blessing? Pain is not only a necessity but also a blessing, because it warns us, corrects us, guides us, and brings us to Jesus.\\xa0Pain can be a blessing in many different ways, and the first is as a warning system.\\n\\n

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