The Things We Battle Book: Chapter 1 Family Snippets

Published: Oct. 10, 2022, 4 p.m.


The Things we Battle Chapter 1 ans 2 : Family



This is a book that will be Coming to Amazon This Month. So please stay tuned...


Face it..We love our Family. No matter how crazy they are ,and no matter how much they get on our "Nerves" We love them. When it comes time to "fight" we can always depend on family to "Have My Back, and take our side.The Other side to that is, Family can be out worst enemy.If you really think about it, We can care less about what a person thinks about is On the Outside,but care so much and take to heart what family may think. We can keep telling ourselves that the opinion of family members doesn\'t effect our everything,but it does. If your Not careful, Family can become not only your Rise ,but also our fall. So why does Family Opinions matter More than Outside Judgment? Is it the fact that, they already know Us ,and Know our moods,so fooling family becomes hard, because they are the ones looking in? THIS BATTLE,seems to be the one battle that many of us struggle daily and trying to win The approval of family...we always lose.Its funny how when We reach a penicle in Life, family is always the ones to remind us of our upbringing. And it\'s always a "NO FILTER" reminder,that puts Us in a mindset that forces us to Be stagnant. A person can have the most Wonderful life,but to be halted by family issues ,and GENERATIONAL CURSES and SECRETS..That have never got Broken. Generational Curses are Alive ,yes  they are,and we haven\'t really gotten the true understanding of them.First let\'s get the Definition of  what it is:  What is the meaning of generational curse?



God institute and Ordains Marriage and The relationship between Mother and Father and Children.We can say God is BIG ON FAMILY. Especially,when it Comes to Children.The Bible says this about Children:
\\nEphesians 6:1-3
\\n1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. 2 Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) 3 That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.
\\nThis Means it\'s very Important for Children to Listen to their parents.This is one of the BATTLES,that Parents Deal with and seems to be The "DOWNFALL" of Parents.Parents pray that their seed (kids), would listen to them,all the rules that they instilled in them,they Rebel,and do the completely opposite of what they asked.The BATTLE is That even though they know right from wrong  they still "DONT DO". What is the Problem? Is it just the fact that, children don\'t want to listen,or the fact they know right and still do wrong?  The BATTLE IS,That  parent are compromising and Righting the Kids wrong ,and now the child  knows how to get with their parents level.Parents Wonder why,the child is not successful in life,or is still stuck in a phase of  being Given everything and have no work ethic about themselves.The Bible says this :

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