Take Into Remembrance..

Published: Sept. 22, 2021, 1 p.m.


God wants us to Remember the Past? So we can froward to our future..


2nd timothy 1:5-7 King James Version
\\n5 When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also.
\\n6 Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands.
\\n7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind
\\n++++Hebrews 10:32-34++++
\\nKing James Version

\\n32 But call to remembrance the former days, in which, after ye were illuminated, ye endured a great fight of afflictions


\\nIsaiah 43:18-19 Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it?

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