Just A Little Talk...Then it turned into a preach!

Published: Nov. 16, 2020, 6 a.m.

b'I was going to just talk Regular but I ended up preaching. God is so Awsome... Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.\\nJohn 15:4 KJV\\nhttps://bible.com/bible/1/jhn.15.4.KJV... \\n\\n--- \\n\\nSend in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/therealephriampodcastshow/message\\nSupport this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/therealephriampodcastshow/support'