522 | Marci Shimoff: Success is Not the Key to Happiness. Happiness is the Key to Success.

Published: Nov. 12, 2018, 8 a.m.


In this week\\u2019s Motivation Monday episode, Marci Shimoff returns to the show to share some truths and myths about happiness. She also alks about the relationship between happiness and success and how you can be \\u201chappy for no reason.\\u201d


Marci\\u2019s website is happyfornoreason.com. You can find today\\u2019s full clip here. Her book, Happy for No Reason, is available on amazon.com or at QODbooks.com.\\xa0


Today\\u2019s episode is brought to you by the JERF (Just Eat Real Food) bar. Make the choice to fuel your mind and your body with our delicious, 100% Organic USDA JERF bars made with nothing but real food ingredients. Use discount code QOD20 for 20% off your next order at JERFbar.com!


Hosted by Sean Croxton of www.seancroxton.com. Grab Sean\'s ebook, The Money Mind Reset: 5 Steps to Changing Your Relationship with Money, FREE at www.moneymindreset.com.

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