334 Shake It Up

Published: June 16, 2024, 3 p.m.

It is rather a comic cavalcade that hosts this episode, but at least we\u2019re not under arrest. Yet. Join The Man of the West and The Lord of the Mark as Frodo and friends drive the two-feather Shirriff to exhaustion in the second of our five episodes on The Scouring of the Shire. The hobbits don\u2019t let nothin\u2019 get in the way as they deliver bad news to a ruffian, threaten to skewer him, and run him out of town. We discuss Frodo\u2019s apparent pacifism, admire Tolkien\u2019s love for trees, and meet the new boss: same as the old boss. Also, our resident cock-a-whoop swaggers it in a Philology Faire you never knew you needed.