#117 - Stanley Perlman, M.D., Ph.D.: Insights from a coronavirus expert on COVID-19

Published: June 29, 2020, 9:30 a.m.


In this episode, Stanley Perlman shares insights from his impressive career studying coronaviruses\\u2014both the common and more deadly ones, like MERS and SARS. In comparing preceding coronaviruses with SARS-CoV-2, Stanley discusses how other coronaviruses can aid our current understanding of, and be used to infer about, COVID-19. He also gives his thoughts on durable immunity, therapeutic strategies, and future outbreak preparedness.
We discuss:
  • His background and early work with coronaviruses [2:45];
  • The coronavirus family\\u2014various types, common traits, and scientific understanding [9:00];
  • The origin of viruses, animal to human transmission, R_0, immunity, and more [17:45];
  • Insights from the 2002 SARS outbreak [28:30];
  • Insights from the 2012 MERS outbreak [35:00];
  • Comparing SARS-CoV-2 to MERS, SARS, and other coronaviruses [42:00];
  • COVID-19 survivor potential for long-term damage [53:30];
  • Using the current pandemic for lessons on future preparedness [57:00];
  • Genetic drift and the potential for long-term immunity to COVID-19 [1:07:00];
  • Prevention and treatment strategies for COVID-19 and future diseases [1:22:30];
  • Alternative hypothesis to the origin of SARS-CoV-2 [1:32:30];
  • Determining durable immunity to COVID-19 and what a successful vaccine looks like \\xa0[1:34:30]; and
  • More.

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Show notes page for this episode: https://peterattiamd.com/stanleyperlman

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