The Soil Food Web

Published: Nov. 10, 2022, 7:18 p.m.

b"Today's guest, in an interview recorded by co-host David Bilbrey, is the microbiologist and soil researcher Dr. Elaine Ingham. In this episode they look at:\\nThe microbiology of soil\\nThe impact of this life on the health of our plants and agricultural system\\nHow we can be citizen scientists\\nThe power of a microscope to bring all these ideas together, right in front of our eyes.\\nAll wrapped in a framework so we can understand the importance of healthy, living soil for human well-being, as individuals, participants in a community, and citizens of the world.\\xa0Find out more about Dr. Ingham's work on soil microbiology at Her classes and other work with Environment Celebration Institute at InterviewsDan Kittredge - Nutrient Dense FoodsStephen Harrod Buhner - The Citizen ScientistElizabeth Farnsworth - GoBotany! and Citizen ScienceResourcesDr. Ingham\\u2019s CVSoil Food WebEnvironment Celebration InstituteDr. Ingham's Online ClassesEcological Monograph\\xa0(1985 - PDF)EcoThinkIt"