Amyrose Foll - Permaculture, Land, and Land Access. Episode 4.

Published: Nov. 18, 2021, 5:01 a.m.

b'Visit Our Sponsor: Foraged.Market\\nDonate Directly:\\xa0via PayPal\\xa0-or-\\xa0Venmo @permaculturepodcast\\n\\xa0\\nWant to listen to more conversations about Permaculture?\\xa0Browse the extensive archives of the show.\\xa0\\n\\n \\n\\n\\n\\n\\n \\n \\n \\n \\n \\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n \\n \\n Continuing the series on Permaculture, Land, and Land Access, in this interview I\\u2019m joined by Amyrose Foll, of Virginia Free Farm. Amyrose shares how she and the team at VFF use the farm as an incubator of ideas that empower individuals and organizations to get food and gardens into communities. She also discusses: How growing food is a liberating experience for everyone. Ways to find land to grow on. And, some organizations working with gardening and growing as therapy.\\nThroughout you\\u2019ll hear her thoughts on what we can do to make a difference, right now, where we are.\\n\\xa0\\n\\n \\n\\n\\n\\nLearn More'