2.39: Second Citadel -- The Battle at World's End (Part 4)

Published: March 5, 2019, 7 a.m.


So to the West, the lifeless West,


The troubadour did trot;


Through boughs of burning red and gold


\\u2018Twas solitude she sought.


(Trigger warnings can be found at the bottom of this episode description.)


We are currently in the process of creating and supplying transcripts for all of our episodes. You can find the transcripts that have been completed so far here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1bnWLw5dTW4l9A0bmOMzEiy6XqqsXHHi_


On staff at the Penumbra:


Kat Buckingham -- Head of Merchandise and Outreach


Alice Chuang -- Head of Design


Sophie Kaner -- Co-creator, Head of Episode Development, Director, Sound designer


Noah Simes -- Production manager


Kevin Vibert -- Co-creator, Head of Operations, Lead writer


Ryan Vibert -- Composer and performer of original music




Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.


"Kind of Girl" by Jeris, featuring spinningmerkaba: http://ccmixter.org/files/VJ_Memes/35657
\\n\\u201csqueak rubber stretch\\u201d by stiffman https://freesound.org/people/stiffman/sounds/384704/
\\n\\u201cMagic10\\u201d by RICHERlandTV https://freesound.org/people/RICHERlandTV/sounds/234800/
\\n\\u201cFlowing Sand\\u201d by SteveMeli https://freesound.org/people/SteveMeli/sounds/215006/
\\n\\u201cBEL-L01-Tones.mp3\\u201d by Freed https://freesound.org/people/Freed/sounds/19590/
\\n\\u201cfountain04.wav\\u201d by Tritus https://freesound.org/people/Tritus/sounds/202913/
\\n\\u201cWater Swirl, Small, 11.wav\\u201d by InspectorJ https://freesound.org/people/InspectorJ/sounds/398700/
\\n\\u201cRKeaton_EMF366_3_Water In Glass Bottle with Metal Cap.aif\\u201d by rkeato https://freesound.org/people/rkeato/sounds/118055/
\\n\\u201cPouring Soup in a Metal Pan - Quick,Short,Gross\\u201d by Hitrison https://freesound.org/people/Hitrison/sounds/251410/


Trigger Warnings:

  • \\n

    Sudden loud noises

  • \\n
  • \\n


  • \\n
  • \\n

    Forced incarceration

  • \\n
  • \\n

    Violence and threats of violence

  • \\n
  • \\n

    Implied killing of people and animals

  • \\n
  • \\n

    Deception, gaslighting

  • \\n
  • \\n

    Paranoia and fear of being watched

  • \\n
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