Pelicans Basketball Time_ 2023 Season Preview

Published: Oct. 25, 2023, 1:44 a.m.

b"Hey, Pelican Faithful! \\U0001f31f It's that time of the year again - basketball season is right around the corner, and we're here to dive deep into what you can expect from our beloved Pelicans this season.
Join Big Q, D.C., and Lexxah Drew as they break down all the hottest topics surrounding the New Orleans Pelicans:
\\U0001f50d A comprehensive look at the Pelicans' season outlook.
\\U0001f914 Are we finally putting those injury woes behind us?
\\U0001f4cb Dive into the coach's schemes \\u2013 are we seeing improvement on the horizon?
...and so much more buzzing in the Pelicans universe!
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