Episode 56 Return to Vesuvius!

Published: Dec. 13, 2015, 7:23 a.m.

\\nThis special episode marks a significant moment for the Doctors. Drs R. and G. return to the topic of Vesuvius and the fateful eruption in 79 CE.
\\nIn light of additional research, we\'ll examine details of the volcanic eruption, consider the rhetoric at play in Pliny the Younger\'s letter 6.16 to Tacitus, as well as modern findings from recent work at the sites of Pompeii and Herculaneum.
\\nClick to listen or download:
\\nEpisode 56: Return to Vesuvius
\\nCurious about the Doctors\' first foray on the topic of Vesuvius? Check out Episode 27
\\nArtwork: Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons: Crop of the Pompeii area from the Tabula Peutingeriana, 1-4th century CE. Facsimile edition by Conradi Millieri, 1887/1888.