Episode 86 - Importance of Kettlebell Training For Men Over 40

Published: Aug. 11, 2022, 11 a.m.

b'As we get older, our bodies require special types of training that can address prevailing health concerns that are more evident in the 40s to 60s and above bracket. The best one that tops my list when it comes to training for men over 40 is kettlebell training. It has proven to be beneficial to muscle building, endurance training, and boosting the male hormones, particularly testosterone. Doing this type of training is not an easy feat though, it requires guidance from a certified trainer to make sure you\\u2019re doing it properly without putting your body at risk of injury. Join me for another episode of Over 40 Alpha as I demonstrate some of my favorite techniques, the best types of kettlebells I recommend, and how to \\u201crespect\\u201d and connect yourself with the kettlebell.
\\u201cWith kettlebell training, especially as we get older, it\'s probably the best for us because there are so many benefits that roll over to our everyday life and roll over to longevity.\\u201d
\\u2014Funk Roberts

In This Episode:
Funk shares the story that started his 15 years of kettlebell journey as a Certified Kettlebell Training Specialist
\\u201cKettlebell is a skill and with every skill, there is a drill.\\u201d Here are the drills you need to master to reap the 9 benefits of kettlebell training
Top reasons why you should train with kettlebells and what makes the kettlebell powerful
These are the struggles men are facing as they get older and how kettlebell training can help them
This exercise boosts testosterone, promotes fat loss and increases Growth Hormones in just 12 minutes
Check out these common kettlebell training mistakes that lead to serious injuries, and who to reach out to if you want to do it right
Learn how kettlebell training positively impacts your testosterone and growth hormone levels
Fitness Program: Join over 15,000 men in my Over 40 Alpha Workout, Nutrition and Program for just $1 and start building your foundation for amazing health \\u2013 click here to start today
Kettlebell Spartan Online Workshop and Course for Beginners \\u2013 https://over40shred.com/KBWorkshop
Do You Need Kettlebells? Shop at Kettlebell Kings and use my 10% discount code FUNK10KBK \\u2013 https://over40shred.com/Kettlebell-Kings-Funk
Alpha Max Test 3D Testosterone Supplement Powder: The most powerful supplement on the planet for men \\u2013 https://over40shred.com/testbooster

Connect with Funk Roberts:
Website - https://www.over40alpha.com/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/funkrobertsfitness

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