Episode 111 - Erectile Dysfunction and a Breakthrough Way To Solve This With Dr. Cory Torgerson

Published: July 8, 2023, 6 a.m.

b'50 % of men over forty have erectile dysfunction or some type of sexual performance dysfunction. This is massive. This is HUGE. One in two men has this issue. It\'s unbelievable.
It\'s also unbelievable that this topic is taboo. Men generally don\'t want to talk about it. But even though we want to keep it under wraps, we need to own the fact that these things are happening to us. Most importantly, we need to learn how to solve them.
Today\\u2019s guest, Dr. Cory Torgerson, is a leading Canadian plastic surgeon and the developer of The Big Shot, a revolutionary new treatment for erectile dysfunction and penile growth.
One of Canada\'s most respected specialists on men\'s health and intimacy performance, Dr. Cory Torgerson joins me to talk about erectile dysfunction, how to treat it, and how to be open to listening to information that may feel uncomfortable.
You may be silent or in denial, but your wife or girlfriend is already speaking with her friends about your problem. So start doing something to change your reality. Own it, stand up, and listen. This episode is an excellent place to start.
\\u201cI like to call it \\u2018sexual performance\\u2019 as opposed to \\u2018erectile dysfunction\\u2019 cause it\\u2019s kind of a spectrum, isn\'t it?\\u201d
\\u2014Dr. Cory Torgerson
In This Episode:

  • Statistics and studies about erectile dysfunction
  • Why does sexual performance get worse as we age?
  • The influence of porn on sexual performance
  • Lifestyle choices that could cause erectile dysfunction
  • Do pills help with these problems?
  • Natural therapies that help with sexual performance
  • Range of men treated by Dr. Cory Torgerson
  • How did Dr. Cory Torgerson get into this area of expertise?
  • An option for male enhancement

Resources mentioned:

Connect with Dr. Cory Torgerson:

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