Interview w/ Cameron Skinner - How He Earns 22% Annually Selling Options Every Day

Published: Sept. 12, 2016, 6 a.m.

Show notes:

I’m just going to come right out and say it - today’s show is going to blow your mind. Not because we are talking about some crazy complicated strategy or options pricing model, but because we’re talking about a dead simple system for selling options every day that generates 22% per year since 2009. And what’s so fascinating for me, the host of the show, is how calm and cool our special guest is talking about his strategy. It’s just so mechanical and systematic it’s almost boring (well not for me but maybe some people might think so).

In today’s show I’ll be interviewing an incredible trader, real estate entrepreneur and patriot. You’ll hear how this former Army Officer who served in Iraq in 2003, subsequently awarded a Bronze Star, used his “options” experience in real estate to start selling covered calls. Eventually he transitioned into selling credit spreads on the major indexes and continues to generate consistent income with an annual average return of 22% per year. So yeah, you should listen to today’s show - and of course forward it to at least 3 other people you think need to hear it right now.