Insider's Guide to Options Trading Taxes Part 2

Published: May 23, 2016, 6 a.m.

Show Notes:

Tax day has come and gone that doesn’t mean that we can’t start preparing in advance for next year by looking ways to reduce or minimize our tax exposure.

Today’s newest episode is Part 2 of 3 all about options trading taxes based on the questions that our members submitted.

We’ll continue to dive deep into your most requested topics and questions to make sure we’re getting the correct answers for you so that you can confidently move forward. Sure, taxes can be a little scary on the outside but our hope is that this mini-series will help give you some clarity.

Finally, if you have additional questions that we didn’t cover in Part 1 or Part 2 there’s still an opportunity to get your questions answered in our final segment. All you have to do is add your question to the comment section below the show notes and we’ll add it to the queue.