69: Is Your Options Strategy Scalable? 3 Tips for Growing A 6-Figure Trading Account

Published: Nov. 7, 2016, 7 a.m.


Show notes: http://optionalpha.com/show69


Regardless of your current account size or trading experience level, you should be putting some serious thought into how you plan on scaling your options strategy over the next few years. Especially if you\\u2019re looking to generate a consistent monthly income from options trading, you probably realize that having $10,000 in your account won\\u2019t be enough to generate profits to replace your current job or salary - or if this was a shock to you, sorry for the reality check but it\\u2019s true. Still, you need to plan ahead for the changes that will accompany having more cash.


In today\\u2019s show I\\u2019ll walk through the 3 biggest tips I have for anyone who\\u2019s looking to grow their 6-figure account. As with any regular business, the products and strategy for trading are going to change and shift as you grow. The core principles remain the same (i.e. selling options, taking advantage of high volatility, etc.) but the way you could about capturing profits and utilizing capital will need to be tweaked so that you\\u2019re always trading options as efficiently as possible.
