37: Real-Time Option Alpha Performance Stats & Options Trading Strategy Metrics Now Live

Published: Nov. 19, 2015, 7 a.m.


Part of our mission here at OptionAlpha.com is to offer the highest level of transparency possible in order to help you gain more confidence in your own options trading system.

This week we launched our newest feature after spending more than 5 months developing a propriety portfolio tracking software that monitors and reports key statistics and metrics in real-time. This software tracks and categorizes real money trades, not paper or backtested trades.

Want to see the most recent stats updated in real-time each day? Just head over to the Option Alpha Performance page.

In today's show, I want to introduce our overall findings and numbers to you (both the good and the bad) and explain how this has already shaped my outlook and trading strategy moving forward.

As part of our higher level memberships, we stress that options trading is just a game of numbers and statistics. Your focus should be on placing lots of small, high-probability trades that captures the long-term overstatement of implied volatility.

Hence, our performance metrics that we'll walk through in this podcast will focus on win rate, average profit/loss, time held and IV differential which to us represents the ability to generate consistent income.

