The Cartographer’s Handbook Section 3 – Weaponry and Equipment

Published: Aug. 29, 2019, 3:30 p.m.

A detail of all the standard issue tools and firearms of the RSA Military

Written by Alexander Shaw

  • Thomas W. Arlington performed by Alex Shaw
  • Samuel Tudor performed by Spencer Leeb
  • Julius Kaufman performed by Matt Wardle

Make your decision by Dan Phillipson of Shockwave Sound

Touching Story, Scattershot and Dreams Become Real composed and performed by Kevin MacLeod of

The New Century Multiverse is funded by Patreon: Our $15 Patrons get sponsor credit every episode so thank you to: Joel Robinson, Benjamin Biddle, Abel Savard, Michael Hasko, Conar Kennedy, Bryan Novak, Evan Jankowski, Sarah Montgomery, Dan Hoeppner, John Claesson, Tylor Long, Jo Gisiger, Greg Downing, Tim Rozinski, Christopher Wolfe, Kat Essmann, Cassandra Newman, Timothy Green, Matthew A. Seibert, Joseph Gluck, Kevin Otero, Luke Hatfield, Nick Ord, Duran Barnett, Tom Painter, Finbar Nicholl, Jamas Enright, Marc Lucksch, Dan Mayer, Joe Crow, Chris Finik, Toby Jungius, Dave Hickman, Aaron LaCluyze, Ciaran Dachtler and Lorraine Chisholm