15: Quarantine Chats 2: Crossover with Late Night Lake Show

Published: April 6, 2020, 3:10 p.m.

b'An Awesome episode with the brilliant Ricky and Danny, alongside Naz too! We touched on Favourite Lakers (Sans Kobe), Favourite Kobe moments, and also touching on some topical NFL talk! A really fun chat!\\xa0
You can follow Ricky and Danny: \\xa0@MrRickySpanish (https://twitter.com/MrRickySpanish) \\xa0&\\xa0@Based_Dan (https://twitter.com/Based_Dan)
You can follow Naz: @opinionsondanba (https://twitter.com/opinionsondanba)
You can follow Me: @alenramic03 (https://twitter.com/alenramic03)
Go Lakers!'