The Lunar Cycle as a Structure for Your Magic

Published: Aug. 25, 2020, 4 a.m.


Hello and welcome to episode 17 of the Talk Witchcraft podcast where I\\u2019ll be talking about practicing witchcraft and following the lunar cycle to set your intentions, take action, celebrate, and release.

"While the moon is growing larger, think about your magic in terms of growth, attraction and increase...During the waning half think about magic in terms of decline, banishing and releasing."

Tune in to hear about the the lunar cycle, how this shifting energy can help you find structure and routine for your magic, and some exciting changes that are coming to Mumbles Academy in 2021.

Please screenshot your phone when you listen to this episode and share it on Instagram with #talkwitchcraft and tag me @mumbleandthings and let me know what you think. :)

