How to Practice Witchcraft Without Cultural Appropriation

Published: Dec. 7, 2021, 5 a.m.

b' Hello and welcome to episode 48 of the Talk Witchcraft podcast! Mystic Sisters Maggie and Erica are talking about how to practice witchcraft without cultural appropriation.

"Witches are everywhere these days, but the rise in popularity of witchcraft practices is bittersweet. In some ways, I love how many people are getting witchy. It makes supplies easier to find and it makes me feel more comfortable to be public with my practice. On the other hand, I see a lot of surface level information without the depth of where witchcraft comes from."

Tune in to learn what it means to be a witch in the modern world without stealing from other cultures and how you can find your own personal practice of witchcraft.

Please screenshot your phone when you listen to this episode and share it on Instagram with #talkwitchcraft and tag me @mumbleandthings and let us know what you think. :)

