Dynamics Dynamite

Published: Oct. 8, 2020, 11 a.m.

b'We\'ll explore the world of dynamics (how loud or soft a sound is) with a big box of fireworks! KA-BOOM! You\\u2019ll hear some very special pyrotechnics and learn some special words to describe dynamics.\\n\\n***\\n\\nNational Standards incorporated:\\n\\nUnderstanding the relationships between music and other arts, other disciplines, varied contexts, and daily life.\\nUnderstanding rhythmic and melodic ideas\\nDemonstrating knowledge of musical concepts\\n\\n***\\n\\nAdditional resources:\\n\\nMusic Theory for Beginners: Dynamics\\nDynamics Example\\nMusic-Go-Rounds Dynamics Activity Guide\\n\\n***\\n\\nDonate to support this and future seasons of The Music Box.'