The Mojo Radio Show - Ep 109: Live Your Life with Presence, Confidence and Influence - Louise Mahler

Published: Dec. 11, 2016, 1 p.m.

b'Dr Louise Mahler is a leadership influencer. \\xa0As an international speaker, mentor and coach Louise\\xa0advises top 100-listed brands\\xa0and governments\\xa0globally on high-stakes engagements. Louise\\xa0coaches the right communication process, body language and vocal intelligence\\xa0to deal with stressful boardroom confrontations, hostile media interviews and difficult staffing situations.\\xa0 Louise has worked with leaders, managers and business groups, providing education and opportunities for personal and team improvement. If you are required to present with confidence and presence in some part of your day, then you will surely love this show.\\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 \\xa0 The Mojo Radio Show copyright Gary Bertwistle & Darren Robertson \\xa0 Products or companies we discuss are not paid endorsements. They are not sponsored by, nor do we have any professional or affiliate relationship of any kind with any of the companies or products highlighted in the show.... sadly! It\\u2019s just stuff we like, think is cool and maybe of interest to you our listeners. \\xa0
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