The Most Advanced Gym In The World In Dubai

Published: May 1, 2023, 8 a.m.

b"Today on The Mindvalley Show, we explore the connection between mental and physical transformation. Our guests are Yasir Khan and Ronan Oliveira, two dynamic fitness experts who transformed from humble beginnings to excel in the field of full body transformation.\\xa0\\nYasir is the founder of TWB Gym in Dubai, a revolutionary approach to fitness that incorporates nutrition, stoicism, and personalized workouts that facilitate a complete metamorphosis of the subconscious.\\nRonan Oliveira is the head of Mindvalley's Health and Fitness and co-creator of our 10x program. He shares how growing up in fitness-obsessed Brazil influenced his approach to health and shaped his journey to creating a program that has helped over 300,000 people.\\xa0\\nIn this episode, we discuss the mindset needed to develop discipline, habits, and a lifestyle that rewards you with your dream body. Yasir teaches you that fitness goes beyond physical exertion and breaks down the nutritional aspect of his program and how he helps break down the subconscious to rebuild a resilient mind in his clients.\\xa0\\nJoin us as we tear down the stereotypes of fitness and discuss a new paradigm of physical and mental discipline.\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nKey Takeaways:\\n[2:20] Humble beginnings with Yasir and Ronan\\n[8:00] Yasir\\u2019s world-class TYB gym\\xa0\\n[11:00] Neural Linguistic Programming and Stoicism\\xa0\\n[14:00] Activating a neutral state of mind\\xa0\\n[18:00] Transforming one person at a time\\xa0\\n[22:30] Conquering the subconscious\\xa0\\n[29:50] The Rolls Royce of gym equipment\\n[40:30] The VIP training room\\xa0\\n[43:00] Building the right habits\\xa0\\n\\n\\nWhere to Find Yasir Khan:\\\\nInstagram\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nWhere to Find Ronan Oliveira\\xa0\\n10xFitness\\nInstagram\\n\\xa0\\nMemorable Quotes:\\n\\u201cIf you can change just one person from that you are going to impact everyone\\u2019s life because everyone is connected.\\u201d [21:23] -Yasir Khan\\n\\u201cYou don\\u2019t need to remove fat from your diet in order to remove fat from your body. You need to eat\\xa0even more fat!\\u201d\\xa0[25:18] -Yasir Khan\\xa0\\n\\u201cThe most important time of day is right before you sleep and right after you wake up, these two points set the tone of what you\\u2019re going to do in the day.\\u201d [27:30] -Yasir Khan\\n\\u201cIt\\u2019s your hard work and it\\u2019s your transformation. If you want to improve your life and if you want to transform your life, it\\u2019s not about getting the body, it\\u2019s about the discipline and the lifestyle, because as I said, I don\\u2019t believe there are great people, but there are great habits, so you need to build those habits and that happens slowly.\\u201d [41:40] -Yasir Khan\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nTo stay connected and to learn more about Vishen and Mindvalley, click on the links below:\\xa0\\nWebsite:\\nYouTube: @vishenlakhiani\\nInstagram: @mindvalley\\nInstagram: @vishen\\nFacebook: @mindvalley\\n\\xa0\\nSubscribe to 'Mindvalley Membership' to discover 65+ transformational Mindvalley programs \\u2013 at a surprisingly low annual fee here \\U0001f449\\xa0\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit"