Rex Salisury, Cambrian - a16z Partner Turned Solo GP on Why He Believes Now is the Time for Fintech | #454

Published: Nov. 11, 2022, 10 p.m.

b"Today\\u2019s guest is Rex Salisbury, a founding partner of the a16z fintech team and is now a solo GP with Cambrian Ventures.\\nIn today\\u2019s episode, Rex shares an overview of Cambrian and the benefit of the fintech community he\\u2019s built over time. We touch on the three-body problem and how it relates to venture capital, the competitive advantages of different VC\\u2019s, and why he believes you can be consensus and win in venture capital.\\xa0\\n\\xa0-----\\nFollow Meb on Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube\\nFor detailed show notes, click here\\nTo learn more about our funds and follow us, subscribe to our\\xa0mailing list\\xa0or visit us at\\n-----\\nToday\\u2019s episode is sponsored by The Idea Farm. The Idea Farm gives you access to over $100,000 worth of investing research, the kind usually read by only the world\\u2019s largest institutions, funds, and money managers. Subscribe for free here.\\n-----\\nInterested in sponsoring the show? Email us at\\n-----\\nPast guests include\\xa0Ed Thorp,\\xa0Richard Thaler,\\xa0Jeremy Grantham,\\xa0Joel Greenblatt,\\xa0Campbell Harvey,\\xa0Ivy Zelman,\\xa0Kathryn Kaminski,\\xa0Jason Calacanis,\\xa0Whitney Baker,\\xa0Aswath Damodaran,\\xa0Howard Marks,\\xa0Tom Barton, and many more.\\xa0\\n-----\\nMeb's invested in some awesome startups that have passed along discounts to our listeners. Check them out\\xa0here!\\xa0\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit"