Erin Browne, PIMCO - I Combine Both A Quantitative Approach As A Starting Point...And Then Overlay A Discretionary Point of View | #360

Published: Oct. 18, 2021, 5 p.m.

b'In episode 360, we welcome our guest, Erin Browne, portfolio manager for PIMCO, focusing on asset allocation strategies. She was also named as one of Barron\\u2019s 100 most influential women in U.S. finance last year.\\n\\xa0\\nIn today\\u2019s episode, we\\u2019re talking all things macro with someone who spent time as a Strategist at Moore Capital, PM at Point72, and most recently Head of Asset Allocation for UBS Asset Management, all of which helped Erin develop a framework for looking at the market through both a quantitative and discretionary approach.\\xa0Erin applies that lens to the world today and shares what she sees, notably the risk of a continued rise in energy prices. She walks us through how that may impact different asset classes and commodity prices.\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nNext, we look at global equity markets and hear how the U.S. market compares to Europe, China, and emerging markets.\\n\\xa0\\nAs we wind down, we touch on bonds, interest rates, crypto, and much, much more.\\n\\xa0\\nPlease enjoy this episode with PIMCO\\u2019s Erin Browne.\\xa0\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\n-----\\n\\xa0\\nFollow Meb on Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube\\nFor detailed show notes, click here\\nTo learn more about our funds and follow us, subscribe to our\\xa0mailing list\\xa0or visit us at\\n\\xa0\\n-----\\n\\xa0\\nToday\\u2019s episode is sponsored by The Idea Farm. The Idea Farm gives you access to over $100,000 worth of investing research, the kind usually read by only the world\\u2019s largest institutions, funds, and money managers. Join today and get access to quarterly CAPE ratios, an excel quant backtester and the entire research library.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'