#85: Radio Show: Bitcoin Futures Are Here - What Now?

Published: Dec. 13, 2017, 6 p.m.

Episode 85 is a radio show format. Meb starts with a recap of his latest travels – this time he was off to New York then Europe. Then, it’s onto Q&A. Some of the questions and topics you’ll hear are:

  • To what extent do economic indicators have any effect on Meb’s view of the markets?
  • Bitcoin has been on a meteoric rise recently in advance of the introduction of Bitcoin futures on Sunday 12/10. What are the potential ramifications of futures trading on it? New money coming in? Prices imploding?
  • What about blockchain? How will it affect various industries?
  • Wes Gray and Toby Carlisle have argued that EV/EBIT is a better metric than PE for latching onto the value premium. Why not then use a cyclically adjusted EV/EBIT instead of CAPE?
  • Someone puts a gun to your head and tells you that you have $1M from an orphanage which you must invest in a single stock. What do you pick?
  • If enough people adopt a trend following approach, and the trend starts heading south, could it lead to a market meltdown like ’87?
  • What are Meb’s thoughts on the best ways to invest when your assets are stuck in a 401k?

As usual with the radio show formats, there are plenty of rabbit holes including the Big Mac Index, why you shouldn’t go into a sauna in Zurich wearing clothes, Meb’s old econometric models, and why expectations for the traditional 60/40 appear unrealistic all around the globe.

All this and more in Episode 85.