Achievement Vs. Fulfillment: Which Do You Want More?

Published: July 20, 2020, 8 a.m.

b"They are two conflicting concepts, the science of achievement and the art of fulfillment. Can you have them both or does one sacrifice the other?\\nOn this episode Russell talks about the difference between the science of achievement and the art of fulfillment and how they are opposites of each other. Here are some of the fascinating things you will hear in today's episode:\\n\\nFind out why the science of achievement is the easy part for Russell, but he struggles with the art of fulfillment.\\n\\nFind out what an event horizon is, and how it's the opposite of routine.\\n\\nAnd see what project Russell is working on with his wife regarding these things.\\n\\nSo listen here to find out how Russell plans on getting the achievement and the fulfillment parts of life.\\nTranscript -\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit"