USA is Failing at HealthCare(with Henry Buchwald)

Published: Oct. 24, 2023, 10:24 a.m.


You can\'t fix healthcare with ideology. We need practical solutions.


Dr. Henry Buchwald (@Dr. Buchwald), believes our healthcare system is upside down! After 60 years as a surgeon and educator, this 90-year-old doctor is doing everything he can to educate people in the USA on why the healthcare system needs them to change it. In this podcast, he discusses what he has seen in his decades of practice and his new book, Healthcare Upside Down.

\\u201cHealthcare needs to be treated with respect.\\u201d -\\xa0Henry Buchwald


Key Takeaways:

  • Broken Medical Care: According to Dr. Henry Buchwald, the United States medical system is broken. The doctor-patient relationship could be more varied and consistent. Instead, it is almost non-existent. Insurance companies are profiting from people\'s illnesses. The USA is way behind in statistics overall for our medical care and advancements. It\'s a business model where doctors are interchangeable, and patient care needs to be improved.

  • Healthcare and Life: Our life from birth involves health care. Growing up and achieving adulthood requires health care. Being able to live a mature life to work, to love, and to have children is dependent on health care. In the final chapter, aging can be made pleasurable by healthcare. Healthcare is, therefore, integral to life from beginning to end. Healthcare is not a commodity but a necessity.\\xa0

  • Fraternal Organizations for Healthcare: A not-for-profit member-owned healthcare insurance is one of the best ways to ensure you will be cared for by the company you pay a monthly per diem to. There are many out there, and many more collective organizations starting to pop up due to the need and demand from our underserved population in the USA.

  • Finding our Collective Voice:\\xa0 Many individuals feel like they need a voice. If people can find a voice together, they will see the power in the collective. This can be done by looking at our immediate environments to see who owns the power structure. Utilizing leaders in our communities and working within organizations like our church or place of work can create a collective voice for the individual.\\xa0


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Links for Henry Buchwald:



Health Care Upside Down Book

