Chadd Wright on determination and adversity

Published: April 8, 2020, 11:04 p.m.

b'Chadd Wright is an ultra-runner and former SEAL. He is also the co-founder, with his brother, of the 3-of-7 project dedicated to the completion of people through the body, soul and spirit.\\xa0 Mark and Chadd talk about BUD/S, life after the military and how to make the most of adversity and challenges. They also discuss spirituality and the importance of faith. Hear how The value of actually saying the words that are important to you to make them a part of reality How you can put yourself through the "Furnace of Adversity" to improve yourself through an obstacle. How to promote the things you love to counter the things you hate, rather than just obsessing about negativity and having no effect. Listen to this very informal conversation to learn more about how you can use adversity as opportunity.'